Sensitive Skincare
Sensitive skin refers to a wide range of skin conditions ranging from eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, rosacea to serious allergies to external influences. Defined so broadly, it usually emerges as a symptom of another skin condition. Skin sensitivity and irritation might be triggered by an internal (genetic predispositions) and external factor (reaction to particular type of skincare product, environmental changes etc.) or a combination of both.
Causes of sensitive skin
As noted above, you might suffer from sensitive skin if you inherited it. You are more likely to develop sensitive skin if you or your family have a history of eczema, allergic contact dermatitis, acne, psoriasis. Such skin problems weaken your skin barrier to cope with diverse environmental factors and your skin becomes easily irritable. Strengthening your skin barrier would be effective to calm and sooth an irritated skin.
Apart from genetic factors, your skin might show reactions to specific physical or chemical triggers such as cosmetic products, detergents and soaps as well. Besides, excessive and long term exposure to the sun, wind and a change of weather would easily effect a sensitive skin since its skin barrier is easily weakened by such external factors.
Two tips for sensitive skincare
Although there are many ways to protect a sensitive skin from irritations and allergies in your sensitive skincare routine, we’d like to focus on two essential tips since they are quite important for supporting the skin barrier- the first line of defence against skin problems that your sensitive skin might face.
Cleansing or sanitizing is important to keep sensitive skin infection free as it is more prone to infections due to an impaired skin barrier. However, harsh skin cleaning products might further irritate your skin so they do more harm than good. So, identify and beware of such products in your sensitive skincare regimen. Besides, once infected, a sensitive skin is difficult to disinfect as it might show reactions to common skin cleansers. In this sense, optimization of skin antisepsis is essential for cleaning your skin by deterring infectious organisms to prevent infections and diseases without irritating your sensitive skin.
Moisture is an integral part of your skin barrier and its deficiency would impair integrity of this barrier which is already weakened on a sensitive skin. Besides, the skin barrier of a sensitive skin is often unable to retain moisture within itself and therefore more likely to dehydrate. As such, especially moisturizing creams containing essential elements such as lipids, ceramides and free fatty acids for the skin barrier may help to support your skin barrier and soothe an irritated skin. Adding up such skincare products for your sensitive skincare routine would help you to calm an irritated skin.
Keeping this in mind, coresatin® Panthenol Hand/Skin Sanitizing Cream [link] was formulated to gently disinfect and also hydrate your skin without any irritation or dryness. Ideally optimized for daily sensitive skincare practices, skin sensitization risk and dermal irritation index of coresatin® Panthenol Hand/Skin Sanitizing Cream is zero! As a two-in-one cream, it eliminates 99.99% of the microorganisms likely to cause diseases and infections without any damage to sensitive nature of your skin while binding essential elements like moisture, lipids, ceramides to support the skin barrier.
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