What causes psoriasis?

Psoriasis is not a communicable skin condition, so it cannot be transmitted from person to person as a result of close contact or touch. Psoriasis lesions are not infectious too, you cannot get infected from those who suffer from it. And, contrary to general belief, it is not linked to personal hygiene or cleanliness.

A malfunctioning autoimmune system is generally believed to be the major cause of psoriasis though environmental triggers and lifestyle can also heighten it. Psoriasis can simply be defined as a common inflammatory skin condition in which due to genetic factors, the body produces skin cells more quickly than normal life cycle of skin cell production. Therefore, thick, red and scaly patches that are itchy and painful appear on the surface of the skin.

Plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Although the most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis, there are many forms too. Those include pustular, inverse, erythrodermic and guttate psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is marked by red patches of inflamed skin composed by excessive dead skin cells with gray or white scale cover. Plaque psoriasis and other types may show up anywhere on the skin- from the scalp, ears, mouth and lips to hands, feet and even fingernails. Besides, psoriasis can affect joints as well. Called as psoriatic arthritis, it is characterized by painful, stiff and swollen joints in addition to inflamed skin patches. If left untreated, psoriatic arthritis may cause permanent damage on joints.

Unfortunately, there is no yet known cure for psoriasis but you can manage its symptoms throughout an informed psoriasis treatment regime. In spite of the fact that it is not curable, its complications can be controlled by a psoriasis treatment process which generally aims to cease excessive cell production, calm itchy and inflamed patches and clear away excess dead cells. Along with oral and injected drugs and phototherapy, topical treatments (creams and ointments) are perceived to be useful for mild to moderate psoriasis.

Creams for psoriasis treatment

Topical corticosteroids are one of the first type of products that your doctor would prescribe, if you are diagnosed with psoriasis. Topical corticosteroids would help you to reduce inflammation and slow down the reproduction process of skin cells up to a certain period of time. Breakthroughs in skincare research and technology continue to bring safe and effective alternative products in psoriasis treatment. Allantoin, in this sense, holds a hope for regulating skin responses to inflammation and it is known also to calm, soften and sooth irritated skin. In addition to common products, two-in-one creams containing allantoin might be helpful to properly sanitize and moisturize damaged skin patches.

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